
Salomon Gau

Salomon Gau is a celebrated traditional Kenyah dancer and musician from the Baram division of Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia. 

Salomon exhibited his gift in the traditional dance of Ngajat since he was five. In 2001, Salomon noticed that the rising popularity of contemporary Sampe music, songs and dance was phasing out the traditional Sampe music and dance, so he decided to foray into traditional music and instruments. He learned from Lian Seling and Michael Arang Jalong, two veteran players and makers of Sampe, and the former, of Jatong Utang as well.

Some of Salomon’s notable achievements include: champion in the Borneo Sampe Festival with his teacher, Michael Arang Jalong (2008); on a performing tour to Switzerland, France and Norway with Jerry Kamit (2013); and touring Germany with Mathew Ngau Jau, Malaysia’s Living National Heritage (2014).

* Sampealso known as Sapeh, is a traditional lute-like instrument that is made out of a single bole of wood. Jatung Utang is a traditional wooden xylophone.